Air force joint service manual 24-204
Air force manual A cargo user has received verified approval to ship its equipment via tactical, contingency, or emergency airlift and you need to look up the hazardous cargo restrictions and requirements for this type of airlift. Which chapter in . procured by CECOM LCMC should be referred directly to the appropriate procuring Agency, Service or Command. This TB does not apply to the air shipment of unserviceable batteries for disposition. Refer to Air Force Joint Manual AFJMAN , PREPARING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR MILITARY AIR SHIPMENT. Refer to SB , CECOM BATTERIES. · (q) afman (i)/dlai /tm /navsup pub /mco pi, “Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments” (r) AFI , “Management of Radioactive Materials in the US Air Force”.
SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 17 JANUARY Incorporating Change 1, AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND Manual Preparation Instructions For DD Form , Request For Issue Or Designates service approve d warhead container seals IAW TP , Joint Reporting Structure; Nuclear Weapons Reports. section of Service components, and their main subordinate elements (i.e., Army corps, Marine expeditionary force, Navy numbered fleet, and Air Expeditionary Task Force) and their counterparts on the JFC's staff. 4. Implementation Plan Participating Service command offices of primary responsibility will review this. SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 21 APRIL Manpower and Organization or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force. SUMMARY OF CHANGES This publication has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. Air Force portion of joint defense level activities and accounts.
(q) afman (i)/dlai /tm /navsup pub /mco pi, “Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments” (r) AFI , “Management of Radioactive Materials in the US Air Force”. Department of the Air Force. United States Marine Corps. Defense Logistics Agency Regulation (DLAR) Department of Army Regulation (AR) Naval Supply Corps System Command Instruction (NAVSUPINST) D. Air Force Manual (AFMAN) _IP. Marine Corps Order (MCO) C. Effective Ap. J34 (TQ). AIR FORCE MANUAL (I) TM NAVSUP PUB MCO PI DLAI DCMAD1,CH (HM24) 12 OCTOBER Transportation PREPARING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR MILITARY AIR SHIPMENTS OPR: AFMC LSO/LOT (Mr Mark Ferguson) Certified by: HQ USAF/ILG (Maj General Craig P. Rasmussen) Supersedes AFMAN (I)/ TM / NAVSUP PUB / MCO P